Sirowa Sacco: Join the Movement to Build the First Luo Owned Bank

As a Luo, you are no doubt proud of your rich culture and heritage. However, you may also be aware of the challenges faced by our community, particularly when it comes to economic empowerment. For too long, we have been at the mercy of outsiders, relying on them for loans, cereals, greens, milk, chicken and eggs. But it's time to change that, and Sirowa Sacco is leading the way.

Over 2,000 Luos have already joined the Sirowa Sacco movement, each contributing KES. 10,000 to help transform our community Sacco into the first ever Luo owned bank. We invite you to join us in this exciting venture, and take control of our own economic destiny.

For 60 years, we have depended on outsiders for loans, cereals, greens, milk, chicken and eggs. But with Sirowa Sacco, that is no longer necessary. We give loans to our people, including mama mboga, bodaboda, table bankers, and others. We buy and sell maize, beans, and other cereals at the cheapest price in Kisumu. And we are farming atudo, gwen, dek, osuga, and sukuma wiki, providing fresh, locally sourced produce to our members.

By investing just KES. 6,200, you can help us raise the deposit fees needed to obtain our first Luo banking hall license. Your investment will be broken down into a registration fee of KES. 1,200 and capital shares of KES. 5,000. Anything above that amount will be saved in our Maize Club, earning you a weekly interest of 3%.

In addition to helping build the first Luo owned bank, there are many benefits to joining Sirowa Sacco. We offer an NHIF loan, funeral expense cover loan, instant loan up to KES. 3,000, and a cereals loan where you can take maize and beans from our store, sell them, and pay back the loan. And perhaps most importantly, by joining Sirowa Sacco, you will be part of a community of like-minded Luos who are committed to economic empowerment and self-sufficiency.

So what are you waiting for? Visit our offices in Nyamasaria, Kisumu at the old Nyamasaria Catholic Church to join us in person, or simply send your names, ID, mobile number, and email address to or call 0704202920/0715787791 to get bank account information and to deposit and join. Together, we can build a stronger, more prosperous Luo community.


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